Deliverables - ICT Solutions

Green eMotion defines the IT architecture for a European marketplace The system architecture and the interfaces are described in detail to allow for competition in implementation.

The status of the deliverables shows, the IT system for the marketplace is running in test phase:

Deliverable Title Partner available Download
3.1 Business analysis
Executive Summary
SAP 2012/02
3.2 ICT reference architecture
Executive Summary
IBM 2012/05
3.3 Services use cases & requirements description
Executive Summary
IBM 2012/05
3.9 Standards and protocols specification
Executive Summary
IBM 2012/06
3.5 Core services and transactions design specification
Executive Summary
IBM 2012/07
3.7 Implementation of demo prototype
Executive Summary
IBM 2012/11
3.4 Services use cases & requirements description 2
Executive Summary
IBM 2013/08
3.6 Core services and transactions design specification 2
Executive Summary
IBM 2013/11
3.8 Implementation of demo prototype 2
Executive Summary
IBM 2014/02
3.10 Standards and protocols specification 2
Executive Summary
IBM 2015/05