Would you like to know more about the Green eMotion (GeM) project and its progress?
Would you like to contribute to workshops on various topics concerning GeM?
If so, you must join the 4th GeM Stakeholder Forum which is due to be held in Brussels on 10th and 11th May 2012.
Register by sending an email to , giving your name, company/association name and your email address. Or send an email to the same address should you want to know more.
Day 1: 10 May
10:00 Workshop: External Demo Region Data Acquisition (Mar Martinez)
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Forum Opening (Heike Barlag)
14:00 Forum Administration (Masoud Bazaragan)
14:30 Stakeholder participant’s presentations
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Workshop: Standards and Electromobility – European Interoperability (Luis de Prada)
18:00 Close of Day 1
Day 2: 11 May
09:00 Workshops: 2 off in syndicate rooms (pre-registration required)
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Brief Reports from the 2 workshops
11:30 Closing Remarks
12:00 Forum closes
See you in Brussels on the 10th/11th May
Educational Website
Please use the site to learn more about electric cars:
Terms & Definitions
for a common understanding of tasks and roles in the electromobility business
Download PDF (640 KB)
Joint guidelines from JRC and Green eMotion how to collect data in electromobility projects
Download PDF (2.00 MB)
Tool for assessing the technical and economic impact of electric vehicles on distribution networks.
(User Manual included)
Download ZIP (5.00 MB)