How to get electromobility on the road

Recommendations and policies for cities, authorities and governments to support the uptake of electromobility
The EU's flagship electromobility project, Green eMotion, was started in 2011 with the goal to prepare the foundation for the mass deployment of Europe-wide electromobility. The project consists of a consortium of forty-two partners from industry, the energy sector, electric vehicle manufacturers, and municipalities as well as universities and research institutions.

At the start of the project market expectations were very high. But looking today on what has happened within the last 4 years, it is obvious that the real development did not keep up to the prediction. What are the challenges the development of electromobility is dealing with? And how can we get the mass deployment of electromobility really started in Europe?

As known the main issues are costs and range of EVs as well as the availability of charging infrastructure. Green eMotion was working besides the technical issues of electromobility on the social and economical requirements during the project time. Main questions on social acceptance of electromobility and the economical and environmental advantages have been answered:

How to increase user acceptance?

  • Convenience is important
  • Experience with EV is necessary

How to get charging infrastructure on the road?

  • Viable business models for public EV charging infrastructure
  • Additional business opportunities

How can authorities and politics support the uptake of electromobility?

  • Measures have to be aligned from the city levelto the EU
  • Stimulate private initiatives

From this work Green eMotion setup policies and regulations for all levels of administration and political institutions.
These guidelines will be presented at the event

How to get electromobility on the road
on February 25, from 9:00 to 12:00

at the EESC in the Van Maerlant building,
Rue Van Maerlant 2, 1040 Brussels
(that’s directly opposite of the entrance Rue Belliard 99)
in the 2nd floor, room VMA3