Green eMotion validates the performance of EV technology in terms of durability, costs, and safety factors under different climatic conditions. The purpose is to validate range, battery, safety equipment etc. under real-life driving conditions. The ultimate goal is a uniform Europe-wide system that can overcome all the challenges of weather and climatic conditions as well as differing usage patterns.
A significant outcome of Green eMotion will be specific comparative figures from manufacturer data on both vehicle and environmental performance, as well as recommendations for safety training and maintenance tasks.
Measurements took place at fka and DTI in the labs in Germany and Denmark as well as in cooperation with JRC in Ispra, Italy. The video below shows how FKA, DTI and TNM-IFM tested in Denmark at – 2° C how the EVs perform and gives first results about climate impact on electric cars.
The video below gives you an insight on free-air test drives in the Danish winter.
It shows first results about climate impact on electric cars.
Educational Website
Please use the site to learn more about electric cars:
Terms & Definitions
for a common understanding of tasks and roles in the electromobility business
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Joint guidelines from JRC and Green eMotion how to collect data in electromobility projects
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Tool for assessing the technical and economic impact of electric vehicles on distribution networks.
(User Manual included)
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